Saturday, June 16, 2012

Mommy Mcdonalds Madness- by the former The Judgey Moms

We want you to know first and foremost that we are not going to sugar coat anything in this blog. I feel that some of the mothers calling others in the community  "judgey" on subjects like circumcision, diet, the sexualization of our children and corporal punishment. Apparently, we are these judgey moms!! We are claiming it too! All babies deserve for their parents to make mature informed decisions about these matters. I do NOT condone circumcision, this is genital mutilation people and its not your decision. I do not understand how anyone could research this and still go through with it. I can't believe i live on a planet where i am considered judgey for thinking that little boys penises should not be hacked up for cosmetic purposes. But what got us started writing a blog was McDonalds. I was at the social security office with my sister and all of our children. We each had the younger two children in our carriers and were holding my 18 month olds hand. He was being so good that day, kind of smiling and waving at everyone not being unruly as far as toddlers go. This older security guard at the desk with an ugly attitude told us that if my son didn't sit in a chair and stay there that we would be forced to leave. We decided that she should take him to the store while i waited because there was no way to get him to sit in a chair. The security officer told us that if we wanted to bring our kids out of the house, to bring them to mcdonalds. What the fuck ? I absolutely hate that McDonalds is a staple for Americans families. Take my child to mcdonalds for fun? Mcdonalds is a shitty restaurant not a park. They have marketed so heavily to children, that McDonald's is a rite of passage all of the sudden for toddlerdom. And i know the defenses: all in moderation,harmless fun,let them be a kid, kids love fast food. First off, our culture does not ever teach us moderation. But anyways, "here is a moderate amount of junky toxic fried crap to fill your face." i don't get it. And for people who say "its a treat" why do treats have to cause things like cancer and diabetes and heart disease. We are all watching our families die from these ailments, and sitting back and doing nothing to save them, us, or the next generation. Treats don't have to cause cancer. Fun doesn't have to slowly facilitate your death and diseases. Its concerning what parents will allow in the name of fun, cause last time i checked give my son something fuzzy or with a lid and he will have some fun. I'm proud that my almost two year old doesn't identify with "the golden arches" He whines in the produce isle when he sees an avocado though. We as a community need to start to do the right thing. Which is not trust these huge corporations with telling you what's okay to eat. Or the front of a box on the shelf. Just because it is in the store,does not mean it should be eaten. We need to take some responsibility for our childrens health. Lets stop pretending that mcdonalds is a play place for our babies.

-From mothers with kids without greasy little French fries fingers .

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