My family eats a very healthy diet. We choose to not eat meat, dairy, wheat, sugar, soy, corn, canola and other animal products. Nothing processed. We shop at the farmer's markets, buy local and organic and have compiled healthy recipes we cook from scratch. We considered ourselves vegan, or veg-ish. We already knew that we were self-loathing vegans, but now we know that we indeed will never bee vegan enough, and we wouldn't want to bee.
We eat honey. Its healthy, raw, and local yummy.
We joined an unschooling vegan group on Facebook, Free Range Families. I introduced myself and said I eat a vegan diet except for honey. The admin of the group was venomous (which isn't vegan) called vegetarians cunts, among a plethora of other profanities.They also created a facebook "War" which was a thread of vegan vs vegetarian unschoolers, where they insulted and kicked people from the group based on their not strictly vegan diets. They kicked my sister and I out... for eating honey.
They were Vegan Nazis.
I think veganism is a wonderful thing, but it doesn’t give people the right to stop treating human beings decently. Vegetarianism and Veganism already have a bad enough reputation, people think we are pompous and unhealthy, and that we don’t live life to the fullest (because we don’t eat cheeseburgers or whatever.) So now vegans and vegetarians aren’t friends? Over an egg or honey? Seriously?? That is not progressive and just stupid.
Well first off, Veganism is kind of bullcrap, there are just a few loopholes. Let's explore!
-1/3 of the Produce in America ISN'T vegan
There are not enough bees to pollinate all the plants due to declining bee populations, so farmers will rent bees from beekeepers by the truckload, for the farming season.
-Anesthesia and many other meds.
-Engine oil, gasoline, and tires (even on your bicycle) are not vegan.
-Tattoos aren't vegan.
-Most Beers and Wines (fish-bladder?)
-Pet food (your pets aren't vegan)
So in this very non vegan world, what are vegans to do?
Why do we even choose this lifestyle?
Simple: health and ethics.
There is a big problem with Genetically Modified Crops, chemical fertilizers and pesticides. I believe Genetically Modified Crops are FAR worse for your health and the planet than meat. I don’t see the point of quitting meat and switching to horrid GMO soy products that ruin your health. Humans are opportunist eaters, which means that we are built for fruits, veggies and small amounts of seeds and nuts, and our systems can handle meat also if the situation arises that vegetation isn’t present. There is NO room for genetically modified crops in this food pyramid. So though I don’t agree, I live in reality which knows that everyone wont be vegan (though i feel its best for my family and the earth), not in this century, so why not spend my time promoting good whole organic diets, and fighting back against these large conglomerate mega companies who control our food supply, and deliver our families pesticide ridden, crap processed packaged “food” at the supermarket. I believe that this fight is a honorable, non-judgmental one for the earth and humanity.
Next time we see someone eating a hotdog, we should skip the red paint can and discuss nitrates.
By the way, the whole reason I joined the vegan family groups was to find support and ideas. As if the world isn't unwelcoming enough to people who eat this way, my children won't find support from vegans either. Bummer.
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