Friday, June 29, 2012

Born This Way

If there is one promise we make the first time we hold our newborn babies, it is to love and protect them.We don't know their temperment, or futures, we can't even predict their eye or hair color. None of that matters, we just dedicate ourselves blindly to who they are and who they will become.We recently marched in the SF Pride Parade with our children representing The Bay Area Intactivists. Our boys strolled along in their wagon with signs that read 'Born This Way'. This message represents their unchanged bodies and our acceptance of their entire being, unconditionally.

We enjoyed the parade, I love the feeling of celebration and liberation. We are proud supporters of genital integrity and sexual orientation integrity also. Just leave peoples genitals and sexuality alone!

We thought the world was on the right track until we ran across Becky Fischers' latest atrocity. We recognized her from Jesus Camp, a documentary where she directs an Evangelical summer camp and children shake and sob over abortion, and pray over a cardboard cutout of George Bush, kind of heavy for kids ya think? What happened to canoeing and crafts? Heres an overview of the movie:
Becky Fischer is a Pentacostal minister who holds Evangelical Christian conferences and camps, the latter called "Kids on Fire" which are held in Devil's Lake, North Dakota. She holds the camps in the hopes of teaching Evangelical Christian children to lay down their life for God. She equates her philosophy to that of extremist Muslims teaching children literally to fight in the name of Islam, but with 'the right' message. She teaches the children at the camps to be outspoken in their beliefs with a passionate fervor, all in the name of Jesus Christ. Topics presented include the evils of Harry Potter (in Old Testament times, he would have been put to death for being a warlock), the waste of dead churches (where there is no passion in the praising of Jesus), the evils of abortion, and Evangelical Christians taking back government in the United States. The camp attendees soak up the messages like sponges as she is preaching to the converted. Her events are played out against the backdrop of the George W. Bush presidency, he who speaks to Ted Haggard, the leader of the National Association of Evangelicals, on a weekly basis. Christian radio host Mike Papantonio, who is non-Evangelical, provides his views of what he considers Fischer's indoctrination process, and especially the harm he sees in blurring the line between church and state.
Bigotry at its 'finest'

Love at its finest
Her latest works not only include teaching children to raise the dead, but also how to prevent homosexuality. She sells the classes that teach gender roles and stereotypes and says 'It begins in childhood, it can be prevented'. This is bigotry and a hate crime. First of all, you cannot prevent homosexuality or any sexual prefrences. We are aquainted with twins, now adults, male and female who are both gay. They were not raised in an open gender-bending environment but a traditional gender role American family. If you asked the twins they would tell you they were born that way. Im not suggesting we are inherently gay or straight, but that we are inherently ourselves. It is nobodys right to change or fix us. We should be letting children do anything they desire, regardless of our preconcieved notions and gender ideas. One of our boys has a pair of tap shoes, shiny ones made for girls. They were the pair that fit him. There isn't anything gender binding about those shoes except that we, in our minds know they are marketed for girls. Why tap dance for a boy? Well he loves stompin' around making noise! Traditionally, American tap dance was a male performed entertainment. It has no hold on our childs sexuality or the ones of men in early American show business. Furthermore, he won't know that he has girls' shoes unless someone tells him that there are gender specific tap shoes. Even then, he won't care unless he is guilted or shamed for this. We believe colors are for everyone. Not too long ago pink used to be for baby boys, and blue for girls! The associations only ring true in our own perceptions. Some of our kids favorite things are pink: A fuzzy heart pillow, a baby doll. He also loves flowers! Why shouldn't he? Should we gear him to like a more manly crop?! Lol. 

 We allow our children to be children and try to help them explore their intrests, free of inhibitions, and our own condentations of gender and sexuality, which they know nothing of. Part of the wonderment of childhood is not concerning yourself with society's expectations, sexuality, abortion or politics. I can assure you I won't be making my children cry over intactivism and will teach them to be proud of their bodies and who they are. The parade teaches them acceptance of themselves and others, and isn't about teaching them to conform to social standards or be unaccepted, revoked of love and condemned to hell fire. The implications of Fischers work are worrisome. Already, homosexual youth is five times more likley to commit suicide. This number is increased by a hostel environment. You can't change your sexuality. Remember electro-shock therapy? Gay isn't a disease, its not contageous or cureable. It's not perventable or changeable. It's neither wrong nor right, black nor white. Yes, there are instances like violations or molestations that can steer or shape our sexual behaviors, but that isn't a factor for the majority of cases. And you cant hetero-molest a child into the sexuality you perfer, sexuality isn't simple. I don't know why I'm straight or why one person has more libido than the next. The real problem is that we are forgetting our oath to love and protect our children. Fisher isn't teaching love but hate and alienation over protection.

"We have the idea that indoctrination is like the Chinese shoving bamboo up your fingernails or dropping a drop of water on your head until you say "Okay, Buddha is God" Indoctrination is nothing more than teaching someone else a set of ideas" Becky Fischer 
Hatred does not cease by hatred, but only by love; this is the eternal rule.” Buddha 

This quote from Becky Fischer reveals her extreme ignorance; religiously and politically. We all know the Chinese aren't torturing people in the name of Buddha(Uhh, Tibet anyone??). Buddha is not a deity, and is not "God" He was a person who reached enlightenment and taught that path to those who listened. Our family practices Buddhism and if you were to learn anything from, it would go as follows:

(1) to lead a moral life,
(2) to be mindful and aware of thoughts and actions, and
(3) to develop wisdom and understanding.

If your religious beliefs lead you to hate and anger, YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG. 

11 things bible bans, yet Becky Fischer chooses to ignore <<<<<

Go tell her how you feel!

(If you want more information on Intactivism and why we oppose Routine Infant Circumcision, I would suggest reading through drmommas website: and 
Saving our Sons facebook page:
Bay Area Intactivists facebook :page:

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