Saturday, June 16, 2012

I'm a PATIENT, not a F*#%$&! COUCH POTATO. --By the former The Judgey Moms


I posted a video on my page about juicing raw marijuana and the story of peoples lives it saved.
Some of the comments I received have been weighing heavily on me because of the misinformation and social stigmas associated with it, such an injustice. This is the most powerful, useful plant on earth yet people have been attacking me for advocating medical marijuana. I have been  told to go get a job, water my drug plants, to move to another state and shut up. I will not stand for this mistreatment of people who seriously need medical marijuana. It saddens me to think about all of the people suffering from cancer and then hurting more from chemotherapy and others with the rampid prescriptions given in lieu of this herb. I am a mother who provides for her family, not a druggie nor is any other patient.
The list of prescriptions that I have been prescribed before marijuana is lengthy and terrible. These DRUGS didn't work, made me feel like shit, even sent me into episodes of depression. I need marijuana, millions need marijuana, but we still have a battle of intent and information that has not been fully won.

The social stigma against even medical marijuana is more present than ever, and the destructive culture behind it feeds the stigma. Medical marijuana is so important, yet we the supporters have let cheesy weed leaf  paraphernalia represent us. I'm not saying that their isn't very credible groups of supporters, diverse too, but I have lived in Humboldt County and seen the culture that goes with it. It is non progressive to say the least! I just want the medical benefits to finally win the battle with the culture!
This is where the destructive marijuana culture: Cheech and Chong (which was meant to be a joke, and got taken too literal) Dazed and Confused, Towlie from South Park, 420, urban culture, people talking about how high they are and "munchies" are implemented on the face of marijuana now.We also enjoy these things and we find them entertaining, but they turn into a literal translation of what marijuana IS. I heard a pot rapper's song called 'Stoner Bitch'  and pretty much it was saying 'roll my blunt and suck my
 dick.' What happened that this is acceptable? This is irresponsible pot culture.
I believe it has also affected the marijuana dispensaries. I don't think a brownie or rice crispy treat has a place in a medical environment. How can we be taken as serious patients, snacking on our medicinal cookies? I hate the 'stoners' and 'Twinkie' or 'Doritos' association. I don't want a scoop of ice cream, at least have healthier options. This is about options, I understand and condone the ingestion of marijuana for medicinal purposes, but does a snack cake have to be the face of indigestible medical marijuana?
I'm a patient not a fucking couch potato! This is a substance that grows new brain cells and so much more and it needs to be treated with respect, as do it's users.
If everyone used marijuana to its potential we would be a happier and healthier society. I understand my viewpoints will be attacked, but these people are uninformed. Cannibis has been used since before records and was considered relevent medically until the introduction of the hypodermic needle. Cannabis is not water soluble; and in the civil war the use of injectable morphine became standard. Opiate addiction was “the soldier’s disease” after the Civil War. Oh and Vietnam too. Now we have invented every pill available, advertised on television and widley accepted complete with side effects, toxins, and recalls. America accepts drug use, so long as it isn't in the form of a plant?
Marijuana is beneficial for even mothers and children. Juicing the leaves produces non-psychoactive cannabinoids,(as you saw in the video) meaning people can experience ciritan benefits (like curing cancers) of this miracle plant without feeling anything, or getting "high". Native Americans used marijuana tea for teething children. I have been criticized for suggesting marijuana to an expectant mother. For those familiar with the benefits of marijuana, its easy to understand the benefits to the mother, nausea, pain, sleeplessness, appetite, stress and so on. The critics said how horrible I was and selfish and how it will effect the baby. However, there is evidence, in a study supported by The March of Dimes Foundation that showed the benefits of neonatal exposure to the baby. Yeah, the pot babies did better than the others.
Comparing the two groups, the neonates of mothers who used marijuana showed better physiological stability at 1 month and required less examiner facilitation to reach an organized state and become available for social stimulation. The results of the comparison of neonates of the heavy-marijuana-using mothers and those of the nonusing mothers were even more striking. The heavily exposed neonates were more socially responsive and were more autonomically stable at 30 days than their matched counterparts. The quality of their alertness was higher; their motor and autonomic systems were more robust; they were less irritable; they were less likely to demonstrate any imbalance of tone; they needed less examiner facilitation to become organized; they had better self-regulation; and were judged to be more rewarding for caregivers than the neonates of nonusing mothers at 1 month of age.
you can find that here:

 The war against marijuana has caused most of the problems associated with it. There are drug dealers because we created a black market (remember prohibition?) AND we have created a market for sub-par marijuana from across the border, with all of the cartel problems to boot. The radioactive marijuana that is in high demand from Mexico and the drug dealer problems are a result of the regulations. Marijuana doesn't cause problems, but bad laws create civil disobedience, black markets and unregulated product. The government has implemented a negative view, launched a "war", created a demand that only recently can be met legally in few places (still federal problems) filled prisons with non violent "criminals" and imposed these politics upon the world.  This is a crime against the gift of natures intention and humanity itself.

There isn't one person on the earth that couldn't benefits from lifting the social stigmas and ridiculous laws regarding marijuana.  Hemp is just as important and should not be ignored... This is the best food, medicine and resource on the planet, and most of us don't have access to it. Cannabis and hemp can save lives, our economy, ecosystems... What can we do to save it? We need to share the information, like the links I have provided. We need to educate ourselves and each other, not everyone knows the truth and some will need help to find it .We need to stop the negative social stigmas, take responsibility for the way you are portraying marijuana and what messages you are sending, only then can we plant the seeds of change (pun intended!) and give marijuana the place it deserves in our heath, medicine, nutrition and society.
Thank you for valuing education and sharing this very important message with your friends and loved ones.

Oh, and don't even get me started on hallucinogens.

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